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Shoper payments – what are they and how to use them?

Shoper payments is a comprehensive solution for handling cashless transactions in online stores. This system allows you to quickly and conveniently accept payments from customers, as well as automate many processes related to online payments. How exactly do Shoper payments work and what should you do to start using them?


What are Shoper payments?
Shoper payments is a payment service created for e-shop owners who want to provide their customers with various and safe payment methods. This system is fully integrated with the Shoper online store platform, which allows for its efficient implementation and use. Shoper payments offer many popular online payment methods, such as fast online transfers, card payments, BLIK, Google Pay and Apple Pay. Additionally, it is possible to launch deferred PayPo payments and installments from Alior Bank.

Advantages of using Shoper payments
Shoper payments are not only convenient for store customers, but also a number of benefits for sellers themselves. First of all, this system significantly accelerates and facilitates the transaction processing process. Payments from buyers are posted automatically in the store panel, which eliminates the need to manually enter data and reduces the risk of errors. Moreover, Shoper payments are characterized by a high level of security.

All data is sent via an encrypted SSL connection, and card transactions are carried out based on the 3D Secure standard. This allows both sellers and buyers to be sure that their funds and sensitive information are properly protected. It is also worth mentioning that the launch of Shoper payments is associated with attractive pricing conditions. New users can count on a preferential commission of 1% for the first 3 months. Moreover, fees for using the system are transparent and competitive compared to other services of this type on the market.

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Flexibility and comfort
The Shoper payment system cooperates with various payment providers (including, Blue Media, PayU, PayPal). It also enables quick posting of incoming payments, ensuring a high level of security.


Easy and quick start
The platform is available online as part of a subscription fee paid monthly. Its use will allow you to quickly implement an online store. This usually takes a few days.

Integration with other tools
Shoper payments can be integrated with other tools. These include, among others: payment gateway, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Allegro, and even most CRM systems.

User security
The creator of the platform guarantees the security of Shoper payments and data security. The subscription price also includes technical support for users.

The process of activating Shoper payments in the e-store is intuitive and does not require specialized technical knowledge. To activate the service, you must first have an active account in the Shoper system with a purchased subscription.
Preparing the store to launch payments
Before activating Shoper payments, it is necessary to properly configure the online store. First of all, you should ensure that the regulations are supplemented with provisions regarding online payments and returns. It is also important to add a privacy policy and a description of the rules for processing customers' personal data. The next step is to introduce at least 5 real products to the store's offer. Each of them should have a photo, price, description and assigned category. It is also worth setting up a shopping cart and setting delivery options.
Completing the application and verifying data
Once the store is properly prepared, you can proceed to completing the application to activate Shoper payments. The form is available in the administration panel, in the Settings > Payments > Shoper Payments tab. The application must include, among others:
company's data;
number nip;
e-mail adress;
bank account number to which payments from customers are to be transferred;
It is also necessary to indicate acceptance of the service regulations.

After sending the completed application, it is sent for verification. This process usually takes up to 3 business days. During this time, Shoper employees check the correctness of the entered data and the compliance of the store with formal and technical requirements.

If the verification process is successful, Shoper payments will be activated in the store. At this stage, you can configure the available payment methods according to your preferences. A new Shoper Payments tab will appear in the store's administration panel, where all completed transactions and any refunds will be visible. From there you can also manage withdrawals of funds accumulated in the virtual account.

It is worth remembering that to fully use the Shoper payment options, it is necessary to place appropriate banners and messages on the store's website. They inform customers about available payment methods and increase their trust in the store.

What do you need to know about Shoper payments?
Shoper payments is a modern and comprehensive system for handling online transactions in online stores. Thanks to integration with the Shoper platform, the implementation of the service is simple and does not require advanced technical knowledge. At the same time, sellers gain access to many popular payment methods, as well as automation of accounting processes and high transaction security.

To activate Shoper payments, you must properly prepare the store, complete the application and complete the verification process. After the application is approved, the service will be launched and the administration panel will be enriched with additional payment management functions. Shoper payments are a solution that will certainly improve the functioning of many online stores. Thanks to attractive pricing conditions and transparency of the service, it is an option worth considering for every seller running an online business.

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