Blik-to-card | Fenige
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Blik-to-Card is a cross-border money transfer service that relies on BLIK (a simple and secure payment product developed by Polish banks). The sender can initiate a transfer directly from the bank account that supports the BLIK payment method. Once the bank approves the transaction, the funds are then transferred to the specified Mastercard or VISA card issued by the bank in one of 150 countries worldwide.

Quick & Easy Start

Fully customized flexible and easy to use API supported openDevZone

Product Matrix

Product matrix of e-comm combined with unique pay out, card-2-card (peer-to-peer, money transfer) soon: BLIK&A2A (open banking)


Fenige is fully licensed and certified company: VISA/Mastercard member, with KNF licence, member of PL Acquirers Group in Polish Banking Association

Personal Advisory

Personalized and customized dedicated Account Manager with 360 degree support from onboarding through daily operations

About Blik-to-card

Solution benefits for Users

The service allows to send funds and reimbursements in 30 seconds or less. This bypasses the molasses-slow SWIFT procedure and allows the funds to appear on recipient card much quicker

Transfers are done via official, certified partnership withBLIK, VISA and Mastercard and under the highest security protocols

The recipient can receive the payment on a card issued by banks worldwide (we support over 150 currencies)

DALL·E 2024-05-27 15.19.29 - A detailed illustration showing the BLIK-to-card payment process. The image features a smartphone screen displaying a banking app with options to tran.webp

Our products


Card to Card Transfer

Innovative technology that allows to send money between cards instantly anywhere in the world. No SWIFT or bank account number needed!


Payouts on Card

Quick money transfers to debit

or credit cards in 150 major currencies. Lower the costs, save time and increase the end-user satisfaction.


Online Payments

Payment gate. API and service for accepting card payments. Direct plug into Visa & Mastercard systems guarantees lowest fees.

Contact us

Contact us to learn about the entire wide range of our products and services

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